Monday, Aug 14, 2023

5 self-care ideas to celebrate yourself

While it is important to empower each other, it is also essential to not put yourself on the back burner. Take this day to prioritise your well-being.

Self-careHere are some self-care tips to renew and recharge and celebrate yourself!(Source: Freepik)

Owing to our hectic schedules, many a time we tend to put ourselves on the back burner. Doing so repeatedly, over a period of time, can put an immense amount of stress on your mental and physical health, and also take a toll on your professional and personal life. But worry not as we have got you covered. Here are some self-care tips to renew, recharge, and celebrate yourself to feel your best! Already feeling overwhelmed? Take a few deep breaths, reverse count to 10, and get started.

Go to a spa

Take some time out to rejuvenate and relax by going to the spa. You deserve to treat yourself, and what better way to do it than sparing some time to take care of your body? Indulge your senses with the calming and soothing effect of a good spa day! If you’re not looking to splurge, you can also create a DIY facial at home using some ingredients like aloe vera, honey, and cucumber, which are readily available.


Have you been planning to buy something for really long but are yet to? On this special day, don’t hold yourself back and shop till you drop. From bags to shoes, splurge on your favourite items and have a gala time! You can also take yourself out for a solo date to your favourite restaurant and indulge in your favourite cuisine.


Yoga You can attend a regular yoga class in the city or follow some online videos. (Source: Freepik)

There is no better way to relax yourself while taking care of your health than with yoga. This can be a fun way to spend your day, especially if you’re a fitness enthusiast. You can attend a regular yoga class in the city or follow some online videos.

Take a nap

If you’ve been working too hard and not getting sound sleep, it is the best day to catch a nap and recharge your batteries. It might seem like the simplest act of self-care, but good sleep goes a long way in maintaining your health and preventing any diseases!

Digital detox

Done to death with doomscrolling and need a break? Unplug from all kinds of technology for a few hours or even a day to improve your mental clarity and reduce stress. It is completely okay to not check your work email or reply to the texts and take time out for yourself!

It is important to note that what works for one person may not work for the other. So, it is vital to try different practices and see what the best for you is. Remember, self-care does not need to be expensive. The key is to do what you like!

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First published on: 09-03-2023 at 20:50 IST
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